Hello my Beauties!

You know I love to give you gifts and provide even more pleasure in your experience of my Goddess Spirituality.
I have to say, Oshun and Lakshmi are at the origin of this new project…. the inspiration actually came to me as I was singing my beloved mantras in the shower.
Then came the dreams and the voices telling me to sing my meditations to help you understand that spirituality does NOT have to be stiff, cumbersome or feel like “work”.
The more fun you have, the easier the changes happen.

I started by recording the mantras like I usually do for my online course lectures. And the results were horrible. I mean, I am not a singer. I enjoy an evening karaoke party every now and then but to actually record myself singing felt ludicrous. And this is when I know I have to do it. I must step out of my comfort zone and push beyond my safe zone, my self-imposed boundaries. I looked up a recording studio in Paris and quickly found one who, it turns out, has worked with some cool names in the French music scene and even a couple of international artists. So a week later, here I was, singing quite clumsily in a studio for the first time.

I hope you appreciate this little gem.

And I hope my sexy “BED MANTRAS” become part of your daily meditation practice.



Mantras are to be practiced DAILY.

The recommended mantra chanting is at least 108 repetitions per set, while most healers and gurus would tell you that true transformation occurs with a diligent practice of 5 sets per day, spread one set in the morning, one set in the middle of the day and a few sets right before bedtime.


1 set in the morning

1 set during the day

3 sets right before bed

In the morning, hold your oudh potion while visualizing the goddess energy you wish to channel, as you LISTEN + CHANT with your eyes closed or open.

Then apply your potion OVER your perfume points AND as your womb/yoni potion ritual for tantric manifestation,

as instructed during our 30-min session offered when you purchase my potions.

Either 3x RING OF LIGHT, meaning 3 times clockwise around your yoni area (without touching the inside)and smile. 



It is important to smile.

Live your life like it’s already the best day of your life.

PARVATI DEVOTION MANTRA To commit to the spiritual practice and to open your daily mantra practice

First and foremost, you practice this mantra before honouring any goddess.

During your daily ritual,

you may choose to work only with Parvati, meaning that you want to benefit from her magick and you provide her with your time and offerings.

Or you would like to access the goddess realm through mantra, in which case you Start with her mantra, Devotion, followed by Ombwiri Shakti to awaken your own goddess spirit, then you can provide honouring to the other goddess of your choice.

Why practice this mantra?

Goddess Parvati is the goddess mostly known for yoga. You will often see offerings made to her in spiritual yoga studios (not fitness studios that have yoga on their list of fitness activities).

She is the goddess you go to when you are experiencing spiritual confusion, when you are unsure of your purpose and when your life seems to be paused, manifestation slow and people are uncommitted to you.

She is the goddess to unblock situations are have blocks or obstacle because these come from within. Your energy system is speaking to you through manifestation and you get constant feedback from the outside world to tell you what’s going on on the inside.

Money: When projects are slow to come into fruition, when you procrastinate, when you are lazy, when you’re all over the place and this has an impact on your career. Practice this mantra.

Love: When partners don’t really commit to you, when men (or masculines in the case of same-sex relationships) show hot-cold behaviour towards you, when you are not put as the priority in your relationships. Parvati is the goddess of commitment and marriage. Practice this mantra.

Sex: When you have a hard time enjoying sex itself, when you are afraid to explore your sexual energy, when you are stuck in moral preconceived judgment about your sexuality and the sexuality of others, when you lack creativity and therefore, are stagnant both sexually and spiritually. Practice this mantra.

Twin Flame and sacred unions:

I am NOT an advocate of Twin Flame dependency-based spirituality. Let’s be clear. I think the Twin Flame process has become a cash cow to all the Tarot readers and gurus who are constantly selling you illusion of a relief by sucking you into what they call the “runner-chaser” dynamic; thus making you dependant on this twin flame thing.

For me (and this my humble experience as an actual initiate in Occult and Mystical Sciences), a twin flame journey is a individual path, and each one of sacred and different on its own, and does not necessarily imply the romance aspect between the two souls who independently sought to incarnate.

The twin journey is a Kundalini awakening path, allowing you to become spiritual authentic and autonomous, while burning away all of your egos and illusions of fear, being rejected, being abandoned, anger, envy, etc.

In the Vedas, the avatar of Parvati falls absolutely enamoured with Lord Shiva. She represents the Shakti energy, the base of our Kundalini energy, which is often spoken of as the wild feminine aspect that has to come to peace with consciousness in order to have divine marriage from within, in order to manifest divine union on the outside. In the tales, Parvati wants to be with Shiva but Shiva is isolated in the mountains and pretends he does not want her. She waits patiently, while embodying already the ideal lover in all of her rituals until Shiva tests her and realises she is the one, the only one for him. Once they reconnect, it says that their sexuality was so powerful that it made mountains move and her moans made crops grow. Parvati epitomises the divine feminine in the twin flame union. She is the ideal lover and when you embody her, you learn to be your own love partner within yourself, therefore manifesting sacred union with your twin or his best equivalent, the one who will make you most happy if your twin and you have not signed for union in this lifetime. Practice this mantra.

How to practice?

The length of the mantra vs. the length of the “radio version” available on iTunes and Spotify

Here you have the full length of the mantra for it to be efficient for the purpose of spirituality.

The iTunes and Spotify version is the radio version only available for entertainment purposes. For the radio version to be efficient, it will have to be played on a loop about 18 times in one sitting , however the interruption in between plays and the stops in your awareness make it energetically inefficient for our purpose.

It is important that you read carefully before starting your mantra practice.

Mantras are to be repeated 108x per ritual.

Rituals are twice a day, morning and evening.

The mantra is:

Om hrim yoginam yogeshwari

Yoga bhayankari sakala sthavara

Mangam asyamukha hridahyam mamah

Vasamakarsha adarhaya svaha

Translation (but please look beyond the word’s meaning and just the words and connect with their sacred meaning, as you are bowing down to the goddess)

O thou who are always in union with the Lord

Yogini, goddess of yoga, of fearful yogic form;

Heart of all that is living and nonliving,

Please give me the power of attraction, oh noble one.

Why practice this mantra?

Goddess Parvati is the goddess mostly known for yoga. You will often see offerings made to her in spiritual yoga studios (not fitness studios that have yoga on their list of fitness activities).

She is the goddess you go to when you are experiencing spiritual confusion, when you are unsure of your purpose and when your life seems to be paused, manifestation slow and people are uncommitted to you.

She is the goddess to unblock situations are have blocks or obstacle because these come from within. Your energy system is speaking to you through manifestation and you get constant feedback from the outside world to tell you what’s going on on the inside.

How to practice?

You have to practice daily. Morning and evening. For at least 28 days (the equivalent to your own internal moon cycle). Of course, you will not transform into a whole new person in less than a month, but this will help make the necessary shifts. Ideally, you should stick to the mantra for 28 weeks and 28 months to shape your new reality and become the new version of yourself in your physical body, where you live, the people you hang out with, the romance you have and everything else.

When you set this up, this mantra becomes your main mantra and you can listen to my other mantras as “supporting” mantras but unattached to your main morning and evening practice.

Set an intention in your heart while closing your eyes in prayer pose OR by writing the intention on a piece of paper IF an only IF you own a Parvati-compatible potion. In my collection, the 2 potions that are compatible with Parvati are Crystal Lover and Sweet EF Nomad.

Once you have set the intention, practice chakra alignment by using singing bowls, reciting the beeja mantra, which I have spoken of so many times and which you have learn in my course Become Irresistible: How to attract a man of influence. Or simply by communicating with each of your chakras and bringing them into alignment by thought intention.

Once you feel you are clear, start singing along the mantra.

This is a ritual. It is an active practice, not something I would tell you to do in bed while you sleep. You can and are highly encouraged to listen to it as often as you wish, but the ritual is what makes a mantra important. The ritual is what makes the mantra an actual sacred act.

You can definitely dance to the mantra, making it a tantric sacred practice, and therefore, igniting your own kundalini energy, especially if you are familiar with kundalini yoga. But it is not a must.

In the beginning, the most important thing is to practice, practice, practice in a scholarly manner. With time, the goddess will live inside of you, pulsing on your clitoris as you have learn during my Goddess Alchemical Holy Grail Womb and Yoni Masterclass, making the entrance to your sexual energy gate even more magnetic to your desires.

As my mantras are mainly tantric in nature, meaning igniting of feminine sexual energy, SHAKTI, pay particular attention to your yoni and your womb space when practicing the mantra and after during the day.

Also drink double the water amount you usually drink, even if you believe you are already on your max quantity. This will help alchemize your body system and help with cellular transformation that has to take place when you’re summoning a goddess to help transform you.

Document your journey.

I believe I say this with all of my work. Document your journey.

Get a small notebook, which you can carry easily with you. Write down your situation at the beginning and write down your end situation (the one you want to manifest). Be sure to write down from your perspective, sticking to the “I AM” higher self connection formula. And be sure to write everyday the shifts you see, however subtle they may be. However, this is not a journal where you write your thoughts and your wishes. This is strictly a report archiving media, where you can look back and see the progress you have made once you decide you can move on to a whole new mantra as your main, depending on what you are ready to manifest.


The length of the mantra vs. the length of the “radio version” available on iTunes and Spotify

Here you have the full length of the mantra for it to be efficient for the purpose of spirituality.

The iTunes and Spotify version is the radio version only available for entertainment purposes. For the radio version to be efficient, it will have to be played on a loop about 18 times in one sitting , however the interruption in between plays and the stops in your awareness make it energetically inefficient for our purpose.

Parvati’s symbols:

Her flowers: red hibiscus, rose and lotus flower

Her colors: red and fuchsia pink

Her consort: God Shiva (commonly called “Lord Shiva”)

Her strength: Commitment (give and receive), unbreakable willpower, finding a desirable mate, getting married, success in any relationship, power of self-transformation, balancing worldly and spiritual, conceiving and bearing a child, creative activity, commitment to practice, uniting masculine and feminine within yourself

Apply this to your daily aligned practice:

Practice yoga, especially kundalini, yoni yoga or yin yoga

Daily excuses to be sensual

Daily excuses to dance, especially tantric ritual dance

Homemaking to taming the wild aspect of men

Money: When projects are slow to come into fruition, when you procrastinate, when you are lazy, when you’re all over the place and this has an impact on your career. Practice this mantra.

Love: When partners don’t really commit to you, when men (or masculines in the case of same-sex relationships) show hot-cold behaviour towards you, when you are not put as the priority in your relationships. Parvati is the goddess of commitment and marriage. Practice this mantra.

Sex: When you have a hard time enjoying sex itself, when you are afraid to explore your sexual energy, when you are stuck in moral preconceived judgment about your sexuality and the sexuality of others, when you lack creativity and therefore, are stagnant both sexually and spiritually. Practice this mantra.

Twin Flame and sacred unions: In the Vedas, the avatar of Parvati falls absolutely enamoured with Lord Shiva. She represents the Shakti energy, the base of our Kundalini energy, which is often spoken of as the wild feminine aspect that has to come to peace with consciousness in order to have divine marriage from within, in order to manifest divine union on the outside. In the tales, Parvati wants to be with Shiva but Shiva is isolated in the mountains and pretends he does not want her. She waits patiently, while embodying already the ideal lover in all of her rituals until Shiva tests her and realises she is the one, the only one for him. Once they reconnect, it says that their sexuality was so powerful that it made mountains move and her moans made crops grow. Parvati epitomises the divine feminine in the twin flame union. She is the ideal lover and when you embody her, you learn to be your own love partner within yourself, therefore manifesting sacred union with your twin or his best equivalent, the one who will make you most happy if your twin and you have not signed for union in this lifetime. Practice this mantra.

Lakshmi Mantra
Prosperity, Become Luxury

Lakshmi has held me down since the get-go on my own journey. She’s always around and when the divine inspiration for this project was sent to me, Lakshmi started singing in my ear.

The mantra is:


Shreem x2

Maha Lakshmaye Namaha

For the spiritually awakened who still feels her journey can only be empowering when leading the way, when inspiring others through one’s own morphing into the most luxuriant aspect of oneself.

As offering, give Lakshmi turmeric milk and rice. She will keep leading the way in your expansion to excess money that will cater to your needs but mostly, your desires.

LALITHA TRIPURA SUNDARI Lifestyle Upgrade Business Expansion Body/Beauty Transformation

This mantra is so powerful when you are on a journey to upgrade everything about you and your lifestyle.Remember: Lalitha is the goddess worshipped by gods.

The mantra is:

Ka e ee la hreem

Ha sa ka ha la hreem

Sa ka ha la hreem

Chanting this mantra daily for the rest of your life will propulse you to higher ranks of society, more upscale places.

This mantra will transform your life and force you to see where you are lacking in challenging yourself.

With Lalitha energy, if you are boring and uninspired, this mantra will not work.

Lalitha is about the goddess living from the way you practice your spirituality to the fact that you want to be better, more affluent, speak like a goddess, love like a goddess, walk with the humble smile of one who knows she is a delight in everything she does and her being is truly a work of art being perfected daily.

TANTRA Mantra Increase your Aura of Sexual Attraction

This mantra is so powerful ! 

This is a tantric mantra, which will make your Swadhistana chakra, your sacred womb, a magnet to good luck in all of the ways your sexual/sacral/sacred chakra knows how to: 

increase your aura of attraction, arouse sexual desire with your compatible mates, make you irresistible to the men whom are aligned to your potent energy.

The mantra is:

Om Kroom Lingaya Om

Practice Before bedtime for 11 days in a row. Repeat every month.

5 sets of 108x repetitions.

This is a mantra you sing along to, not just listen to. You have to be proactive in your practice and visualize your desired feeling with the outcome, while yoni breathing (Kegel exercising with conscious breathing basically!).

When you are done: Drink a glass of pomegranate juice once you are done chanting along.

In the morning, chant one more set of 108x repetitions.

And when you go out, visualize yourself shrinking down to be enveloped by your yoni and ease into the feeling of being a “walking yoni” and one that attracts the life of a goddess acting from her most sacred energy center.

KAMDEV MANTRA Become sexually alluring attract lustful interactions

This is a Kamdev mantra to make you a sex magnet. Period. 

This is not about quality of partners so please be aware of your choices. This is why you are working with the other mantras to align to your goddess energy and manifest the best partners.

Be aware that this is the only mantra I have that is not from goddess. This is male energy mantra, which makes it brutal and aggressive.

The mantra is:

Om Namo Kamdevaye

Maha Prebaye Hreem

Om Namo Kamdevaye

Kameshwari Swaha

This is needed when you need to ignite that divine masculine aspect of yourself and use it to make your sexuality explosive. 

It is best to be practiced at night 3x 108 repetitions, which is 3x each mantra song from my collection.

Ombwiri Kundalini Mantra Your Most Important Mantra for Goddess Awakening

Mantra words are found as subtitles of this video.

Practice this mantra daily if using it to awaken your own goddess spirit and start receiving divine messages.

Practice this mantra after Parvati and before manifestation mantra if you wish to manifest a specific desire.

Please watch my “How to Use my Manifestation Mantras” video above if you wish to use mantras to manifest.

RAMA MANTRA Become Irresistible Arise sacral energy